Thursday, April 14, 2011

Why I Made This Blog

 I made this blog to share my make-up and beauty secrets with all the round faced girls out there. Not the rich round faced girls, the round faced girls on a budget, the round faced girls who barely wear makeup, the round faced girls who spend hours on their makeup- but ALL round faced girls. Being a round-faced girls myself, I have obtained most of this advice through personal experience, i.e. trial and error. I have always had a passion for makeup and learned early on that you cannot apply all makeup to all shape faces the same. There are definitely certain techniques, colors, products that complement each face shape, but considering most of my makeup applying has been done on my own face, most of what I have learned applies to those with a round face. I am not suggesting I’m any kind of expert or that what I suggest is the only way to do your makeup, it’s just what I have found to be most flattering. So to all the round faced girls out there who stumble upon my blog, I hope you get something out of it and most of all have fun experimenting to find the perfect look for you.

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